What is Interactive Paper?

Imagine traditional print materials that don’t just sit idle. With Interactive Paper, you bring your brochures, catalogs, and mailers to life. Each page offers more than just text—it offers interaction, data, and connection.

Merge the timeless power of print with the real-time insights of digital.

Welcome to a smarter, more engaging way to connect with your audience.

Track Real-Time User Data

No more guessing who’s engaging with your materials. Know exactly when, where, and how your audience interacts with your content. Get valuable insights, adjust your strategies, and increase conversions.

Create Seamless Funnels

Every page becomes a gateway. With Interactive Paper, you can guide your audience step by step through a tailored experience. Turn passive readers into active participants in your brand story.

Fully Customizable Products

Whether you need a sleek brochure or an immersive mailer, our range of variations allows you to create the perfect product for your audience. Get the look, feel, and interaction you need to stand out.

Power of Data-Driven Print

Every interaction with your paper is tracked in real-time, giving you deep insights into customer behavior. Learn how long they engaged with each section, what caught their attention, and what drove them to take action.

Table: Key Metrics You Can Track with Interactive Paper

Metric Benefit
Time spent per page See what content grabs attention
Click-through rates Measure funnel effectiveness
Conversion triggers Identify key moments in the journey
Location of interaction Optimize distribution strategies
Device/reader engagement type Tailor content to user preferences

With this data, you’re not just printing paper—you’re printing results.

Transform Your Marketing Strategy

Interactive Paper isn’t just a product. It’s a revolution in how you connect with your customers. Combine the tactile appeal of print with the actionable data of digital marketing.

  • Increase engagement with materials your audience can’t ignore.
    Interactive papers generate a response rate up to 43% higher compared to traditional papers.
  • Improve conversion rates by crafting an interactive experience.
    Campaigns using interactive print see a 30% lift in customer engagement.
  • Gain unmatched insights into your audience’s journey.

Proven Results

See how leading brands have used Interactive Paper to boost engagement and drive results.

Case Study Snapshots:

  • Brand A: Saw a 45% increase in conversions after switching to Interactive Paper.
  • Company B: Reduced marketing costs by 30% while improving customer engagement.
  • Organization C: Achieved a 50% increase in brand awareness in their target audience through print materials.

Learn how others have transformed their campaigns with Interactive Paper and how you can do the same.

What Impacts the Campaign's Performance?


Timing – The right timing is crucial for a successful campaign, such as weekends and holidays.


Target Audience – The target audience should be the right fit for the product or service offered.


Confection – How the Interactive Paper is presented can greatly impact its performance.


Story – The story you tell your customers can have a significant effect on the campaign's performance.


Design – The appearance and understandability of a campaign are important for its performance.


Your Brand – The types of users that associate with your brand can strongly affect usage rates.

Learn, iterate and launch.

Use the “Learn, iterate and launch” cycle to generate constant advertising performance and increase it with every new campaign.


How Google is Using Interactive Paper

How the team at Google is using Interactive Paper to create hype around their products.

This is how Google is using ADS Data Direct to target high-value customers, bring attention to their newly released phones, and gain massive marketing success.

  • Customer: Google
  • Campaign size: 21,000 pcs / Y
  • Reach: about 2,280 customers / Y

Contact ADS Data Direct About Interactive Papers